Magnetic Life cycle - Covering 7 Life Cycles
This Magnetic Life Cycles Set consist of the following 7 Life Cycles: Butter Fly , Pumpkin , Strawberry, Human , Fish , Sunflower and Owl. Each of the life cycles sets is perfect for demonstrations on a large magnetic whiteboard. The Butterfly Life Cycle Set: Children can learn all about how a caterpillar turns into a magnificent butterfly
₹ 1,299.00 ₹1,299

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Ilearnngrow Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd 0.0
Reenu Kediailearnngrow presents to you games and toys that not only are fun but help kids develop cognitive skills, problem-solving ability making their minds sharper. We have introduced products that enhance the value system of kids and help them gain perspective in life !! While we believe that the best form of learning comes from doing the activities, our major focus is on keeping kids moving not only physically but mentally too !!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\