Ilearnngrow Brain Game
This interactive wooden board game develops the memory skills for kids and sharpen their cognitive skills making playtime not only fun but adding value to learning
₹ 550.00

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How to play
board and cover the tiles with tokens provided with the game. Each player takes turn to uncover the two coins. If both the pictures match the player keeps the coin . The player in the end with maximum tokens wins the game.
- This game will help to increase the memory and observation skills.
2. Develops Hand and eye coordination skills.
Box contain
- A wooden Board
- 60 tokens to hide the objects on board
4-8 years
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Ilearnngrow Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd 0.0
Reenu Kediailearnngrow presents to you games and toys that not only are fun but help kids develop cognitive skills, problem-solving ability making their minds sharper. We have introduced products that enhance the value system of kids and help them gain perspective in life !! While we believe that the best form of learning comes from doing the activities, our major focus is on keeping kids moving not only physically but mentally too !!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\